A New Coen Brothers Movie: "A Serious Man" Trailer

So I feel as clueless as George H.W. Bush marveling at bar codes in the supermarket, but I’ve just seen the trailer for the Coen Brothers new film, A Serious Man, and it looks seriously good:
Their last film, Burn After Reading, wasn’t one of their best, but it certainly had its moments, especially the whole internet-adultery thing. I recently learned that much of No Country for Old Men was filmed near Las Vegas, New Mexico, which is about two-three hours south of my Colorado home, and where I’ve eaten some of the best puffy tacos of my life. And lately it seems every time I turn on satellite TV Miller’s Crossing is showing, which is only The Perfect Movie, every scene right in place, every line a gem.
So now, besides the film version of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road coming soon (last I heard the release was now in November), we also have A Serious Man. For all film fans—Thank god the summer is over.

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