Daniel Woodrell's "Winter's Bone" Film Out and About

I’ve blogged before about Daniel Woodrell’s novel Winter’s Bone (2006): There’s a review today in the NY Times of the film version, which sounds good, gets glowing praise: http://movies.nytimes.com/2010/06/11/movies/11winter.html?hpw. And being an indie film, this review is just the kind of attention it needs. The novel is haunting, brutal, and eye-opening: Some Americans tend to think of the whole country as a vast, cellphone-obsessed shopping mall. This is a mainly a TV media creation. Go to the corners and you’ll see something more interesting. Take where I live in Custer County, Colorado: the other day coming home from town we watched an elk chasing a coyote through the meadows, probably trying to scare it away from its calf. My small town is quite different than the hillbilly world of Winter’s Bone, much more charm and less depression. This week I spent several hours at the local park with my baby girl, watching a crowd of kids laughing and running, with a skyline of 14,000 foot Rockie mountains as a backdrop.

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