"Cave of Forgotten Dreams" Now on Netflix, as well as "Atrocious"

So although the (dubious, limited) charm of Netflix streaming wore off long ago, I do sometimes find something interesting there if I troll enough, and there are two new films I recommend:  Werner Herzog’s remarkable documentary about 32,000 year-old-cave art, Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010), which I originally saw in the theater in 3D, and Atrocious (2010), a Spanish horror/suspense film that’s worth watching. Cave is worth it just for the shots of the stone age cave paintings in Southern France (naturally), much of it amazingly beautiful, and the hint it offers about European life in the Ice Age. Atrocious has a deliciously devious trick up its sleeve. Although the plot hints at some malevolence, most of the film is quite banal and ordinary-seeming—think Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity—until the action heats up toward the end, and you the viewer still don’t know what’s going on—that is, until the very end. When the mystery is solved it almost feels like a solution in the spirit of Clue. You should guess it, but you never will.

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