Category Archives: Nicole Kidman

On Jim Harrison's "Brown Dog" & Park Chan-wook's film "Stoker"

So I feel sorry for my poor blog, to which I don’t give enough attention—like the ignored dog that’s always whimpering to be taken for a walk or the proverbial red-headed stepchild (with apologies to all red heads and stepchildren … Continue reading

Posted in books/film, Horror Films, Nicole Kidman, The West | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Review of "Oz: The Great and Powerful," Plus "The Paperboy" Meets "The Master"

So last night I stumbled into the new James Franco/Mila Kunis special effects love-a-thon Oz: the Great and Powerful, and could easily do one of those catty, snarky Hollywood send-ups that go, “It was like The Princess Bride meets The … Continue reading

Posted in books/film, Film, Nicole Kidman, Pete Dexter, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment