On "Freedom" and Facebook Hoopla . . . I'm Just Saying

I’m just saying: Let’s drop Franzen’s novel Freedom—currently being crammed down our collective throats by mediaworld frenzy—and all the annoying Facebook (& Mark Zuckerberg) overhype into a Time Capsule, bury it, then look again in ten years. Predictions, anyone?
I haven’t read Freedom yet, and am not rushing to either: Why: The Corrections seemed a total bore to me, and Freedom (makes me think of Bush Jr.’s bombing campaigns: Ah, the Oughts, what a time) is being touted as “Better than The Corrections!” Well, that’s nice.
I also can’t forget being excited to read Lorrie Moore’s new novel (though a bit suspicious), A Gate at the Stairs, last year, after the rave/ravier/raviest review by Jonathan Lethem in the NY Times, only to discover a rather tedious experience. A Midwest dysfunctional family saga? Why does that sound familiar?
Of course now’s the time to quote a true masterpiece, The Big Lebowski: “Well, that’s like, your opinion, man.”

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