Stephen Graham Jones's "It Came From Del Rio"—Is that Jack Nicholson or a Chupacabra?

So Stephen Graham Jones is at it again, offering us a new, seriously weird novel with the kickass title of It Came From Del Rio. I just started it and don’t want to give too much away, but it’s not exactly Catcher in the Rye, featuring instead a narrator named Dodd, who I imagine speaks in a voice like Jack Nicholson’s, and who has a connection to the legendary chupacabra of South Texas fame. As with most all Jones’s fiction, it starts with a rip, hits the page running, and leaves your head spinning. Here’s a passage for all the animal lovers:
“Because I didn’t have any clothes, and because the rabbit dead on the floor had been my god, I stripped his skin off, used it to bandage my own. And then, because I had a taste for it now, I ate as many of his organs as I could scoop out. His muscle was too tough, though, and for some reason trying to tear it with just my fingers, it felt like sacrilege. But the kidneys and heart and liver, they were enough.”—p102

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