Crossing Paths With the Dougherty Gang in Colorado, On the Lam & Having Fun

So at the start of the week I drove from Southern Colorado to St. Louis, and it seems I crossed paths with the Dougherty Gang—Dylan, Lee-Grace, and Ryan, twentysomething desperadoes from Zephyrhills, Fla. I saw a white car fly by, some yahoos inside shooting their AK-47 out the window, and figured it was just some locals celebrating the start to preseason football. They disappeared in a swirl of tumbleweeds. This newspaper story makes them sound like the Wild Bunch, only different. I like the quote from Lee-Graces’s Flickr page, how she “likes to farm and shoot guys and wreck cars.” The stock market is tanking, and Bonnie & Clyde (& my other-brother, Clyde) are back!

Maybe that’s why I saw this local business, in Pueblo, Colorado, where the Dougherty Gang passed through around the same time I was filling up with Unleaded, just in case.

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