Fires, Plagues of Locusts, and Chiggers: Signs of the Apocalypse in Colorado, Or Is That Global Warming in Your Pocket?

So I believe in the biblical apocalypse as much as I do the Tooth Fairy, but replace the word “apocalypse” with “global warming” and we’re onto something real. The back roads of Custer County, Colorado are now covered with swarms of grasshoppers (okay, maybe not locusts, but we’re splitting hairs there), which I have never seen before. My home is at about 9,000 feet in elevation and we have chiggers in our grass now, nasty little biting bugs that I knew from Texas, which I thought favored low and hot landscapes. And although I mentioned the Colorado Springs Waldo Canyon fire yesterday, and had heard that it had improved, it turns out I was wrong: It’s now worse than ever and causing evacuations in the city, including the Air Force Academy, which is reported here.
Meanwhile Republican dogma still denies the reality of Global Warming, or specifically that it’s influenced by our use of fossil fuels, and if you pay any attention to what our Congress is up to lately, doing their despicable best to cut all alternate energy funding, to quash all climate-change mitigation, and to plunge their fat heads in the sand—it’s a national embarrassment, and a tragedy of epic proportions, as the Colorado Springs fire is of epic proportions. The fires are a sign of the times, no doubt.

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