"The Bird Saviors" Texas Tour 2012: Just like ZZ Top, Only Different

So starting on Thursday I’ll be promoting my novel The Bird Saviors at various events in Texas. Just like ZZ Top, only minus the beards, the guitars, the groupies, and . . . well, okay, nothing like ZZ Top. But I do promise to do a good job at each event, and try to make it as lively as possible. The novel has murderous polygamists, lecherous pawn shop owners, a good-hearted young mother, a grieving ornithologist, and two kidnappings (well, almost: you have to read the book), so it shouldn’t be dull. Here’s the schedule:
Thursday, Oct 18th, 7 pm, at Blue Willow Books in Houston, who have given me a nice write-up here, and the Houston Chronicle had a nice review in June, here.
Saturday, Oct 20th, 1 pm, at Paragraphs Bookstore in South Padre Island, whose owner, Joni, has been most kind in arranging this, and will be my first visit to the Gulf (where I went to high school, near Corpus Christi) since 2009. I’m psyched to see the beach again.
Monday, Oct 22nd, 7 pm, at Book People in Austin, at my favorite bookstore in my favorite city in Texas, where I went to grad school.
Thursday, Oct 25th, 5 pm, at the Twig Bookstore in San Antonio, where I lived until high school. And rumor has it the novel is going to be reviewed in The San Antonio-Express News next Sunday, which would be cool.
Sunday, Oct 28th, 12:15-1:15 pm, at the Texas Book Festival (in The Lone Star Tent, which is on Congress Avenue between 8th & 9th streets), in a panel titled The Savage Southwest. The Texas Book Festival is much fun, full of outstanding writers, one of the premier book festivals in the country.

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