Guest Blog Post on the Superstition Review Website

So the nice editors over at the Superstition Review have not only published several of my stories and a recent essay—on stuffed animals, of all things—but they have also asked that I write a guest blog post for them, which can be read here, sporting the subtitle “Anna Karenina Is a Junkie, and She’s Weeping.” It touches on several topics, including but not limited to whether we should describe emotions directly in fiction, Leo Tolstoy, Raymond Carver, Cormac McCarthy, and John Gardner. Some of it is rather nostalgic, a flashback to the Eighties of sorts, if you’re interested. I happen to be traveling at the moment, in St. Louis, en route to Colorado, and have a stack of books I intend to read this summer, including but not limited to Alissa Nutting’s novel Tampa, Callan Wink’s stories Dog Run Moon, and Mark Leyner’s memoir/novel Gone With the Mind. My only recent literary accomplishment is finishing a third reading of Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina (hence the choice of topic), which I loved, as always, but was surprised to find so many references to Anna’s morphine habit. And that she was a writer, to boot! Learn something new every read.

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