Christo's "Over the River" Project, Art in My Back Yard

So there’s a piece in the NY Times today about Christo’s latest art installation project, Over the River, which is (figuratively speaking) in my Colorado back yard: It will be located, if it happens, in the Bighorn Canyon between Salida and Canyon City, which is about 30 miles north of my house in Custer County. I’m all for it, and if you read the piece, I think the arguments against it are iffy. I agree with the fellow who points out the canyon, which has a number of bighorn sheep, also has much traffic on the highway and a railroad line, and the sheep seem to do just fine with those distractions. (Plus the note that they allow hunting makes the argument seem a bit absurd to me.) Support Christo’s Over the River! I think it would be way cool. Here’s the link to the Times piece:

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